I remember

May 12, 2010

Stringfellow icon

reading a book by William Stringfellow when I was in college, and liking it a lot.

sensible survivalism

March 12, 2010

This looks like good material.

Chris Martenson

January 5, 2010

The Portland Peak Oil group is promoting a presentation called The Crash Course by a man named Chris Martenson.  He gives an easy-to-understand analysis of the predicament of our civilization. The entire thing is available on his website.  Take home lesson: prepare yourself for massive disruptions. Life as we have known it in the US will become a thing of the past.

drug money and wall street

December 31, 2009

According to the Guardian, “Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations’ drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer.”

This is consistent with what Catherine Austin Fitts has said.

Robert Anton Wilson

December 29, 2009

is was very entertaining and interesting.

“You should view the world as a conspiracy
run by a very closely-knit group
of nearly omnipotent people,
and you should think of those people
as yourself and your friends.”

-Robert Anton Wilson

this looks interesting

December 27, 2009

The Prophets Conference audio files at the Great Rethinking website.  OK, it is a bit pretentious-sounding, but I’m checking it out.  My interest in Rupert Sheldrake led me here.

PS – if you want to copy this to your computer, here is how


Merry Christmas

December 25, 2009

Even though the Bishop no longer observes the Gregorian Calendar.  As an Old Calendarist, he will observe January 7 instead.

“I’m shocked, shocked”

December 24, 2009

I'm shocked

“to find that spying is going on here!”

Wired reports that

“Threat Level reported Tuesday that muckraker and Indiana University graduate student Christopher Soghoian had asked all agencies within the Department of Justice, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, to provide him with a copy of the pricing list supplied by telecoms and internet service providers for the surveillance services they offer government agencies. But before the agencies could provide the data, Verizon and Yahoo intervened and filed an objection on grounds that the information was proprietary and that the companies would be ridiculed and publicly shamed were their surveillance price sheets made public.

Yahoo wrote in its objection letter that if its pricing information were disclosed to Soghoian, he would use it “to ’shame’ Yahoo! and other companies — and to ’shock’ their customers.”

The five stages of collapse

November 25, 2009

Dmitri Orlov personally witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Evil Empire. He sees the same thing in the near future for the American (less?) Evil Empire.

Joel Salatin: official hero of sanity village

September 27, 2009

Joel Salatin makes a ton of sense, and has actually implemented his ideas.  And who would have thought that an alumnus of Bob Jones University could become the hero of the natural food movement?  Sometimes, I think that everything I want to do is illegal as well.